The 15 Best Core Exercises for Building Strength, Stability and a Mean Six-Pack
Deadlifts hit a plateau? Shoulders hunching forward as you run? Or maybe you've just found yourself slumped over your desk one too many times. Whatever your reasons for wanting to improve your core strength, our guide to the best core exercises will help you build strength, stability and six-pack muscles.

How Your Body Type Can Affect Your Workouts
In the 1940s, a professor at the University of Houston named William Sheldon proposed that there are three kinds of people (or more specifically, body types) in the world. Ectomorphs are lean, lanky, and have difficulty gaining weight (think: Bruce Lee and Michael Phelps). Endomorphs (Chris Pratt, Hafthor Bjornsson) naturally have lots of fat and muscle, and gain weight easily. And mesomorphs like Chris Evans are athletic and strong with the ability to build muscle and lose fat almost effortlessly.